Here are some good news and ... I have to share a '
VICTORY'. At the end of March 2008 in preparation for the BloggersUnite event of
BlogCatalog I started to stumble and bookmark websites and blogs on the subject 'human rights'.
What is 'BloggersUnite'?
"Bloggers Unite is an initiative designed to harness the power of the blogosphere to make the world a better place. By challenging bloggers to blog about a particular social cause on a single day, a single voice can be joined with thousands of others to help make a real positive difference;, the fastest-growing social network for bloggers on the Internet, is partnering with Amnesty International, a worldwide movement that campaigns for internationally recognized human rights, to expand a global social awareness campaign for human rights by launching a major initiative on May 15.
The campaign, Bloggers Unite For Human Rights, asks bloggers from all over the world to post about human rights on the same day, May 15."At the beginning of April 2008, there was no own label (or tag) on human rights at SU. Usually sites and blogs covering the subject 'human rights' were hidden under (or in) categories like 'activism', 'liberties', 'humanitarianism', 'law' etc.

So I simply tagged sites and blogs with the right (the proper) tag: '
human-rights'. I searched the web and found a lot of 'new' pages on this subject (even with high page rank) which haven't been discovered before, submitted them to SU and reviewed the really remarkable ones.
And my dear friends on StumbleUpon, who stumbled my pages gave thumbs up (or down, or ignored), nevertheless finally 'human-rights' now have an own label at SU with a google page rank of 4 (in May, 2008).

All this happened in complete harmony and obedience to the rules of StumbleUpon.
As a reminder: Adding a friend at SU means to subscribe to his/her content, which means that when you press the 'stumble next button' you see pages of your friends and can evaluate their stumbled pages.
If you like my main categories like 'human-rights', 'spirituality', 'religion' etc. you are welcome to add me (wilbau)
as a friend and review/thumb up/thumb down/ignore my stumbles. As there is a limit of having 200 friends, and I'm over this limit, I can't add any more.So what's IN the Stumbles, what's the content?
Well the best thing is to check out, become a member of
StumbleUpon (free) and enjoy the experience of a special kind of web-surfing.
Human Rights Stumbles certainly have a content related to Human Rights.
But who's behind it?
Some get suspicious and argue for example that Amnesty might be a leftist organization, or that some sites are just a cover for Scientology.
So and here is exactly where you are welcome, to add your vote, your thumbs up or your thumbs down, because you might have knowledge and certain kinds of appreciations and evaluations that other stumblers don't have.
And your votes, your thumbs DO count.
If you think that Human Rights
(and whatever there's in it, I know that there are all kinds of problematic issues like for example the 'colonization of other countries with 'human rights' ...)are important, then please stumble (give thumbs up), bookmark (at delicious, magnolia, mrwong, technorati etc.) the human rights pages that you like and appreciate.
Don't just pass over (by).
For example I accumulated a lot of bookmarks on human rights also on
What could be a measurable impact of this whole action?
How could an impact be increased?
Well if we just told people what to think and would try to 'convert' them somehow to human rights, we would be just like spammers.
So ... looking at the pages on human rights at StumbleUpon is in some way a look at the 'supply side'.
In order to look at the 'demand side', we might have a look to
what the people search for.
And now, more or less, we might identify some trends (
Google-Trends) , or at least get some hints on how to couple (or triple) certain subjects, so they attain more relevance in the general optic (most coveted stuff).
Here an example:
In 2008, in all regions of the world, 'human rights' subjects were more interesting than Pope Benedict. Not even his visit to the United States was as interesting as human rights.
While his visit to Washington, Pope Benedict was able to 'beat' human rights for a short time period (in the USA).
In a longer time span, the Iraq war is much more interesting than the Pope or human rights.
It's kind the same in all regions and the United States. Iraq IS interesting.
So and now I probably won't tell you something new, but if you 'couple' your blog post about human rights with something like Iraq, it will gain more visibilty than a combination with Pope Benedict (what I will do nevertheless). To blog about the human rights in Iraq will gain more attention than blogging about what the Pope had to say about human rights. (I guess you know all that).
And if someone thinks, to connect Jennifer Lopez to the human rights subject, this might be more helpful than connecting the subject with Pope Benedict. I picked Ms. Lopez because she was the first name that came to me when thinking about which celebrity I should use for an example.In taggin or labelling human rights pages it is advisable to not just tag or label them with human-rights but also (if it is justified) with tags like 'activism', 'liberties', 'humanitarianism', etc. This will lead to a broader general notification and perception.
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that participate in the social awareness campaign:BloggersUnite ---