Welcome to a short photo safari to Malawi Africa. These are photos my daughter sent me today as she was visiting the soccer game Egypt - Malawi on the last weekend (June 2008).Petra is working in Malawi on a new project, which might be introduced in a separate post here in this blog sometime in the future. I already reported once on a previous project in Malawi.
So, last weekend she had a chance to visit this soccer game. In Europe and especially in Austria and Switzerland, the EURO 2008 is going on. Me personally doesn't care a lot about this kind of sports and I write this post, because the following pictures catch some of the spirit of an interesting and beautiful African country.
So what happened? In the World Cup qualifying, Malawi upset Egypt 1 - 0
The African champions lost 1-0 in the last minute of extra time (Chiukepo Msowoya scored).
This was a surprise victory and the Egypt coach Hassan Shehata said that "Malawi played a better game, that's all I can say".
Reason enough for the coach of Malawi, Kinna Phiri, to rejoice.
After having done this post, I have to be a bit sarcastic about myself. I created this word-game (or whatever):
(Long 'intellectual' explanation comes first):
Soccer in German means 'Fuss-ball' which means 'foot-ball'.
American football is different from soccer and fussball.
In the right now ongoing Austrian-Swiss-European soccer craze (EURO 2008 hype), with all this MST (media-soccer-terrorism) which is making so much fuss about soccer ...
'fussball' is really the right word for this kind of sports, cause it consists mainly on making fuss about a ball. Ok. Haha. That was my try to make a joke. Keep laughing. See ya.