Some say: "Morality without power (the authority to accomplish, enforce or achieve something) is ridiculous. However one (including me) could spare a lot of words and just think: "Do unto others as you want to be treated yourself". This is a subject that's upcoming in a lot of religions, not just the Christian one. However some claim that religions are the source of evil themselves.In a lot of TV-series the victim (one that has suffered a lot) becomes the committer, the offender, wrongdoer and perpetrator. The reasons for the original crime (the 'victimizing' may it be abuse, exploitation, stalking etc.) is, more or less, faded out in mass media expressions. Thus means that there is more empathy and sympathy produced for the 'committers. Usually the identification with victims is just an issue for the 'good-meaning-people' or, at times, the instrumentalisation for certain purposes.
A central suggestion for the neutralisation of 'evil' came from one of the founders of Christianity, Jesus Christ himself. His concept of the neighbourly love (love your neighbour as yourself) could and can bring solutions when it's done and not just thought. Also the concept of forgiveness and 'offering the other cheek (not chick :)' is a practical way to hinder certain behaviour from being spread around.
From my (and surely your) experience you'll know how bad car-driving behaviour can spread around. One offender who is in bad moods feels free to attack others and some others copy that behaviour so that the whole atmosphere, for example on a highway, becomes kind of poisened.
Now if you are able to ignore this kind of behaviour, without getting gastric ulcer, you will not be a victim that became a 'doer' or committer.
So the point is, that these kinds of vicious circles can be interrupted. Whatever these circles or circuits might be: Catch 22 situations or 'downward' spirals. Evolutionists would probably talk about 'upward' spirals. Nevertheless I would think that the present barbarism is quite compatible to the 'primitivism' of ancient ages.
Two examples of certain Human-Right-Aspects:
Cherif Bassiouni: Interview to the subject: Above and beyond the reach of the law.
Analysis: Behind Nigeria's violence
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Human Rights Common Sense
Monday, January 25, 2010
Snowfall at Icicles Prison
A typical decoration in the rural Austrian Mountain-areas are icicles at the gutterings of the houses in the villages. They have a certain type of beauty, however they can become dangerous too.What might be a common view to Central- and North Europeans, Canadians, Russians, Americans ... is kind of exotic for people who live in the Southern hemisphere.
For example: Snowfall brings a special kind of romantic feeling, if you have time to take a walk.
In the following video you can get some impressions.
(Well, my advice was free, of course :), he didn't have to pay 4 it.
Here is an older video I made on what it looks like in Austria after heavy snowfalls:
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Anti War Demonstrations
Compared to the demonstrations against the Iraq & Afghanistan War, there was more engagement in the late Sixties when hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated against the war in Vietnam.Some experts say that demonstrations have little or no lasting impact (William R. Berkowitz).
Usually public support decreases as a war wages on. Ten years after the start of the Vietnam War (this was in 1959) half a million people participated in an anti war demonstration (1969) in Washington.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Richard Nixon Vienna Photos
He was the first US President that visited China (1972). As a gift he gave 2 beautiful handicrafted porcelaine swans to Mao Zedong.

The world situation in 1980 was ... difficult ... well ... as always ... like today.
In the time of his 'reign' or lets say government, he also had to deal with intensive anti war demonstrations.
For hundreds of years Vienna has been a meeting point for important personalities.
Since 1980 it seems that Europe and the USA are drifting more and more in direction to the political right side. Citizens (and rural folks too) experience increasing totalitarity and a decrease of privacy. However this must not be a typical 'right wing attitude' because we know this phenomenon from the socialist and communist countries too.
In 1980 the novell of George Orwell ' 1984 ' was a matter of the future. Now it's a matter of the past.
And the world might have become a mixture of '1984' and Huxleys 'Brave New World'.
Last year, in 2009 I made a post which became quite popular-it contained some photos of Viennese aspects that tourists normally don't see. I called this post 'Vienna Calling'. The title is from a song of the (now gone) singer Falco.
So ... thank you for joining me in my journey through time into the year 1980. 'See' you :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
1980 History World Situation
A rather quick view on conditions and happenings (events) throughout the world in 1980. Feel free to amend in the comment section. There are plenty of countries left out. What do you think was important that happened in your country in 1980?
Austria: As the first Western European state Austria diplomatically recognizes the Palestinian liberation front PLO.
Austria: Kirchschläger becomes President.
Belgium: The long language controversy between Wallonen and Flemings are settled by dividing the country into a Federal State with the partial states Flanders and Wallonie.
Bolivia: 19 days after the presidential elections the acting president Lidia Gueiler is forced from the military to resignate. On the day after, General Luis Garcia Meza Tejada is sworn in as a new president.
Canada: During a popular vote the majority of the population expresses itself Quebec for whereabouts with Canada.
Central African Republic: The fallen emperor Bokassa I. is condemned (in absence) to death because of participation in child murders, tortures, cannibalism and enrichment.
Chile: According to data of the Chilean military junta in a popular vote, two thirds of the voters voted for the new condition. Dictator Pinochet can remain still further eight years in the office.
China: Hua Kuofeng withdraws as a Prime Minister.
Egypt: The delivery of the western part of the Sinai peninsula occupied by Israel at Egypt is final. After the return of the western part of the Sinai peninsula at Egypt the day before, Israel and Egypt take up diplomatic relations. The borders between Israel and Egypt are officially again opened.
El Salvador: Left-wing extremists attack the Spanish embassy and take numerous hostages.
El Salvador: OSCAR Arnulfo Romero (archbishop of El Salvador) is murdered during a celebration. The authors are assigned the notorious 'TodesSchwadronen'.
Germany: A bomb assassination attempt of a right-extremist group at the Octoberfest in Munich demands 13 dead ones and 215 injured.
Germany: The 'Greens' become a political party.
Germany: The national olympic committee of the Federal Republic decides the boycott of the Olympic Games in Moscow.
Iceland: Vigdis Finnbogadottir becomes the first female president of a European state.
India: As the sixth country, India starts a self-developed rocket and brings with it a satellite into a near earth orbit.
India: Indira Ghandi is reelected.
Iran: Iraqi invasion in Iran. Iran-Iraq War.
Iran: The past minister of economics Bani Sadr is selected to become the first president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iraq: For the first time after 20 years, free elections take place in Iraq. Winner becomes the dominant Bath party with Saddam Hussein.
Iraq: Iraqi invasion in Iran. Iran-Iraq War.
Israel: The delivery of the western part of the Sinai peninsula occupied by Israel at Egypt is final. After the return of the western part of the Sinai peninsula at Egypt the day before, Israel and Egypt take up diplomatic relations. The borders between Israel and Egypt are officially again opened.
Italy: In the main station of the Italian city Bologna a bomb is put. 85 people die.
Jamaica: After a bloody election campaign, which demanded 600 dead ones, the opposition wins the parliamentary elections. The 'Jamaica labour Party' leads the country on a pro-Western, anticommunist course.
Japan: becomes the leading car-manufacuring nation. US is now #2
Kora South: After student unrests in Seoul (South Korea) the military law is imposed again. Unrests dont stop.
Liberia: A military putsch in Liberia under SAM Kanyon Doe terminates the 100jährige a party rule .Opponents of the military regime are pursued.
Netherlands: Queen July Iana of the Netherlands resigns; Successor becomes queen Beatrix.
Palestine: As the first Western European state Austria diplomatically recognizes the Palestinian liberation front PLO.
Peru: In Peru the first elections take place since 1963. With the election of president Belaúnde Terry the military rule is terminated.
Poland: Labour union Solidarnosc founded.
Poland: The Polish government accepts all demands of the Dancinger strikers. Apart from social promises the building of an independent trade union and the right to strike are approved.
Poland: The Polish Prime Minister Jaroszewicz withdraws from his office.
Russia: Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.
Security Council: The Security Council condemns the Israeli annexion law, with which the partial occupied Jerusalem is declared to be the eternal capital Israels.
South Africa: Violent arguments between black ones and the police. At least 42 humans die. Cause: The fourth anniversary of unrests of Soweto.
Surinam: After a military putsch, trade-union-soldiers take over the government.
Switzerland: In Zurich begin " Opernhauskravalle". The day is considered as birth of a youth-movement , a spontaneous reaction to the lack of habitat for young people.
Turkey: By a coup d'etat the military comes to power.
Uganda: 'Uganda People' s Congress" wins the parliamentary elections after the fall of dictator Idi Amin. Milton Obote becomes again a president.
UNO: Worldwide refugees of some sort: 10 to 12 million.
USA: After the announcement of Ayatollah Khomeinei that 70 American hostages would remain in the Iran until further notice, the USA break off the diplomatic relations to Iran.
USA: An attempt of the USA to free the American hostages in Iran by force fails.
USA: In Lake Placid the 13the olympic winter games are opened.
USA: In Miami/Florida heavy race troubles break out, after a court acquitted four policemen, who flogged a black one to death.
USA: Ronald Reagon wins the presidental election and becomes President.
USA: The murder of John Lennon in New York shakes millions of Beatles fans in the whole world.
USA: US president Jimmy Carter explains the Persian Gulf as THE American sphere of interest and announces that the USA will defend the oiling system of the western world if necessary with the force of arms.
Vienna: In Vienna east west discussions begin over a balanced troop reduction in Central Europe.
Yugoslavia: After president Titos death a collective state-presidium takes over the guidance of Yugoslavia.
Zimbabwe: becomes independent.
Zimbabwe: In Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) the first elections take place. Robert Mugabe becomes prime minister.
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects.
Treaty on certain conventional weapons (CCW)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Balloon landed in village
Oh, balloons passing by. These days are a lot of balloons in the air. It's kind of crowded up there :)We take a closer look:
They got advertisement on them (for a national radio station).
Oops. One landed on the street in the midst of a village. The houses are pretty close to each other, the streets are narrow, a typical rural Austrian area with dense population.
The balloon pilot probably didn't want to go any further. The wind comes here usually from the west, and in the eastern direction there are plenty of mountains and woods were it would be a bit difficult to land or to direct a pick-up-car to a landing place.
Some people come and marvel.
Here's the balloon in all it's glory :)
It's time to deflate ... or inflate ... whatever. As it's a hot-air-balloon, the balloon is now getting rid of it's hot air. A good example for some politicians and industries.
So, bye bye Balloon.
Here's a short video:
Monday, January 18, 2010
Talking Waters
Saturday, January 16, 2010
GjaidAlm KrippenStein Djemben
In September 2006 (or was it 2007 ?) we were invited to come up to the GjaidAlm which is situated quite close to the KrippenStein. To the valley station of the cable car in Obertraun we drove with our old Ford Transit (year of manufacture: 1986). The thing is history now. We sold it already.The gondolas to go up there have been modernized sence then. They are comfortable and you can enjoy great looks while moving up.
To give you a kind of an impression to which place exactly we moved up you could watch this video on youtube:

Friday, January 15, 2010
Balooning Ufo Drones
A sandcorn in my eye? What's this dot on the sky?And now there are even more! (Rubbing my eyes :).
Drones? Ufos? (Unidentified Flying Objects). UAV s? (Unmanned aerial vehicles)
Hm, these dots are slowly moving from the west to the east. That's generally how the weather works here.Military drones have shown up in a couple of places:

What does a balloon cost? The breakdown of the cost of a hot air balloon. Prices vary depending on the size of the balloon. Something between $ 25.000.- up to 50.000.- (please tell if you build cheaper ones :).
Here are also tips on buying a used hot air balloon.
For amateur doityourself building: Why and how to build a hot air balloon. (If you dare :).
The building process of an hot-air-balloon.

An interesting solution for watching things from above would be this technology from microdrones.
Here is a video showing some possibilites of this unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
For example the sad situation in Haiti.