Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Frozen WaterFall Cascades

Coming by a frozen waterfall (" Eisfall ") makes one stand still and look at its beauty.

There are plenty of these kind of frozen water cascades here as there are plenty (hundreds and thousands) of tiny creeks in this alpine area here.
This is a rather small waterfall, from melting snow in the daytime which freezes during the night.
There are bigger waterfalls here too where some brave people do some ice-climbing ( " EisFallKlettern ").
Someone said that if you stare at a waterfall long enough, your mind would turn into drops.
Hm, don't know exactly about that one :). Drops? Maybe! :)
You might know better.
Another one said about technically minded people that they wouldn't know a waterfall except by its horsepower ... well, of course there is a way looking at nature to just make it useful.
That's the thing called 'utilitarism'.

Frozen movements.
"Deterred desires and aspirations, of violent longings checked and frozen in their course".
Not talking nineteen to the dozen. Hope you liked these pics.


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Outdoor LED Display Screen said...

waterfall and that too frozen..amazing sight!!

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